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Mandla Langa is chairman of MultiChoice SA and co -chairman of Koketso Holdings. He chaired the Icasa board from 2000 to 2005 and was chairman of the Independent Broadcasting Authority before that. A former member of the SABC board, Langa was convener of the task team on government communications. His directorships include Jacques Malan Consultants & Actuaries, Business & Arts SA, the Institute of Global Dialogue, Phuthuma Nathi Investments and the Read Educational Trust. He has sat on numerous boards, including those of the Institute for the Advancement of Journalism and the Nation's Trust.

Langa established himself as a writer while in exile in the late 1970s. He was the first South African to be awarded the Arts Council for Great Britain's bursary for creative writing. He has published four books.

Langa is married, has two children and enjoys listening to music, writing and going to movies.