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Sipho Mila Pityana Izingwe Capital

Full name: Sipho Mila Pityana

Position: Executive chairperson (with effect from May 1, 2004). Currently also executive director of Nedcor Investment Bank and MD of Strategic Business Development, Nedbank

Main activity of the company: Investment house focused on selected acquisitions of equity in companies operating in BEE sensitive markets

Date and place of birth: August, 21, 1959, Port Elizabeth

Education: ‘O’ and ‘A’ levels at Milton Keynes College of Future Education (UK); BA Hons, University of Essex (UK) and MSc University of London (UK)

First job: National organiser at Motor Assembly and Components Workers Union (MACWUSA) (Subsequently became Numsa), December 1, 1980

Size of first pay packet: R2 400 a year

First job with present group: Executive chairperson

Value of assets under your control: R14-billion

Number of people under your leadership: About 400

Management style: Consultative (inclusive) but decisive

Personal best achievement: Rescue of South African hostages in Philippines, 1999

Professional best achievement: Organisational turnaround of the Department of Labour

Person who has had the biggest influence on your life: OR Tambo, late President of ANC

Person who has had the biggest influence on your career: Nobody in particular

Person you would most like to meet: Jack Welch of General Electric

Businessperson who has impressed you most: Jack Welch

Philosophy of life: Transformation is a permanent feature of any society or entity that seeks to be dynamic

Biggest ever opportunity: Nelson Mandela International Reception Committee

Biggest ever disappointment: None

Hope for the future: Prosperous and more equitable South Africa

Favourite reading: Commercial magazines, such as Enterprise, Financial Mail, Finance Week, and biographies

Favourite TV programme: Drama/investigative movies

Favourite food/drink: Red Grapetizer and coffee and oriental food (Thai/Chinese/Indian)

Favourite music: Jazz, choral and gospel

Favourite sport: Rugby, boxing and football

Favourite Website: None

Hobbies: Movies, videos, music, golf, resorts

Car: Daimler Jaquar (2002), Mercedes-Benz E320 (2004)

Pets: None

Miscellaneous dislikes: Dishonesty

Favourite other South African company: None in particular

Favourite foreign company: General Electric

Married: Nonkululeko ‘Nkulie’ n

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