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Nomhle Canca Entreprenuer

Full name: Nomhle Canca

Position: Blue IQ CEO since September 2004

Main activity of the company: Infrastructural investment for Gauteng province

Date and place of birth: October 11, 1965, Durban

Education: Benjamin E Mays Math & Science Academy (AP Chemistry), Cascade Heights, Georgia, US, 1979–82; BA Political Science, 1983–1985, Emory University; BA Economics, Emory University; 1985–1987; U-4 Stockbroker Registration, New York Stock Exchange; Registered investment adviser, State of Georgia, US, 1983

First job: Stockbroker, Smith Barney, 1987

Size of first pay packet: $32 000 a year

First job with present group: CEO

Career history prior to current position: CEO, Canca Financial Services, Johannesburg, 2002–2004; executive director, Wip Private Equity, 2000–2002; executive director, Women Investment Portfolio Holdings, 1994–2000; management consultant, Coordinated Marketing Consulting CMC, 1993–1994; management trainee, Anglo American Corporation, 1991–1993; risk arbitrage stockbroker, Oppenheimer & Co, New York, Atlanta, 1989–1991; sales assistant, Smith Barney Harris Upham Brokerage, Atlanta, 1987–1988; workstudy programme, Merrill Lynch, Atlanta, 1985–1986; legislative intern, Newt Gringrich, Republican Congressman, Washington, DC, 1982–1983

Value of assets under your control: R3,5-billion

Number of people under your leadership: 10 to 15

Management style: Decentralised

Personal best achievement: Raising my children

Professional best achievement: Listing my own company before turning 35

Person who has had the biggest influence on your life: My mother

Person who has had the biggest influence on your career: My grandmother

Person who you would most like to meet: I’d love to spend another afternoon with my grandmother

Businessperson who has impressed you most: Oprah Winfrey

Philosophy of life: Life is what you make it

Biggest ever opportunity: The Honorary Mayor of Carrollton, Georgia – it was provided by the Congressman from the district, Newt Gingrich

Biggest ever disappointment: Firing my best friend

Hope for the future: That we all do our best because we care

Favourite reading: The Prophet

Favourite TV programme: Jeopardy

Favourite food/drink: Microwave popcorn/homemade gingerbeer

Favourite music: Barry Manilow

Favourite sport: Swimming

Favourite website: Google

Hobbies: None

Car: Volvo

Pets: Labrador, Maltese poodle

Miscellaneous dislikes: Pretence

Favourite other South African company: Wiphold

Favourite foreign company: Coca-Cola

Married: Phumelele Canca

Children: Sakiwe, 6; Gilinthaba, 4

Clubs: None

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