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Enock Kamushinda Zimbabwe Entreprenuer

Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe has hailed Enock Kamushinda, the minority shareholder in Namibia’s SME Bank as a philanthropist. Kamushinda has been the subject of negative reporting from some of Namibia’s media houses since he initiated and set-up the SME Bank together with the Namibian Government.
He has been described as a fugitive from his country and someone who is not suited to have a shareholding or serve on the board of a banking institution.
Apart from his interest in the SME Bank, Kamushinda also has banking interests in Zimbabwe and Malaysia.
Mugabe’s hailed Kamushinda’s philanthropic work after the banker helped with funding worth several millions of US dollars for the construction of two modern hostels at a Catholic school in Harare.
Kamushinda bankrolled the hostel project at Chishawasha Mission Primary School, on the outskirts of Harare, after he was approached by President Mugabe to assist.
“We have come a long way with him [Kamushinda] and we have worked together in many places, like Malaysia and Namibia where he sometimes stays while doing projects to help the people,” Mugabe added.
Addressing thousands of people who gathered at the school a fortnight ago for the official handover of the two boys’ hostels as well as a new 75-seater bus, Mugabe urged other business people to emulate the successful entrepreneur’s generosity.
The veteran Zanu PF leader, who was accompanied at the event by his wife First Lady Grace Mugabe and daughter Bona, also donated 20 computers for the school’s new computer laboratory. President Mugabe described Kamushinda – the founder of Metbank and a shareholder in Namibia’s recently established SME Bank – as a friend he has closely worked with for a long time.
“We have our people whom we have empowered through education and now they are prosperous in business and they are prepared to give back to the community,” said Mugabe, as he introduced Kamushinda to a thunderous applause at the commissioning ceremony.
“He is the man who helped us, so we thank him.”
The two double-storey hostels, which have the capacity of housing 360 pupils, were furnished with new beds and linen.
Kamushinda attended the commissioning ceremony together with many other businesspeople and government officials, including Local Government Minister Ignatius Chombo, as well as Jesuit Fathers provincial superior Stephen Buckland, who led a special thanksgiving mass.

Dr. J. Nozipo Maraire Zimbabwe Neurosurgeon

J. Nozipo Maraire (born in MangulaSouthern Rhodesia in 1964) is a Zimbabwean doctor, entrepreneur and writer. She is the author of Zenzele: A Letter for My Daughter. The novel was published in 1996, was a New York Times "Notable Book of the Year" and a Boston Globe bestseller. It has been published and translated into over 14 languages. She is a full-time practicing neurosurgeon. Dr. Maraire has initiated neurosurgery programs in several institutions in Delaware, Ohio and Oregon. She has travelled, been educated and lived in many countries including Jamaica, the United States, Canada and Wales. She was selected to attend Atlantic College, one of the United World Colleges, in Wales. She received her undergraduate degree from Harvard University and then attended The Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City. She completed her neurosurgery training at Yale. She was awarded a Clinical Fellowship Award by The Congress of Neurological Surgeons which she used to work with Dr. Fred Epstein in pediatric neurosurgery in New York City.
She is a public speaker who has been invited to lecture at colleges and universities across the country. Dr. Maraire has spoken to numerous book clubs and civic organizations and served on many literary panels including being an invited guest of The Gotenberg Literary Festival. She has served on the Board of Directors of several organizations including The Rotary Foundation, The Ross Ragland Theater and The South North Development Institute. She has worked with and for many development agencies including The World Health Organization, NORAD, the Norwegian aid agency and The Synergos Institute. She worked with the Synergos Institute as a consultant and program coordinator and was instrumental in forming community investment funds southern Africa.
In 2010 she was one of the winners of the British Airways Entrepreneur Face to Face Award for her entry of Ecosurgica, her vision for cutting edge, affordable health care in Southern Africa. She is the founder of Cutting Edge Neurosurgeon Inc., a web based start up.
She divides her time between the US and Zimbabwe. She is married to Allen Chiura, a urologist, also from Zimbabwe. They have four children.

James Omwando KK Security

James Omwando, CEO, KK Security

James Omwando is the CEO of KK Group of Companies. The group provides private security services in Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Uganda and Burundi.
1. What was your first job?
I worked as an election clerk. I was in high school at the time. After I graduated from university I worked as an accounts clerk at American International Group (AIG). The management skills I have today I leant at AIG. Incidentally our chairman was also at AIG; he was the managing director when I was an area manager.
2. Who has had the biggest impact on your career and why?
I think the chairman of KK Group of Companies [Derek J. Oatway]. I have known him since I was 20. I have made mistakes or said things or gotten angry and asked him how he could allow a particular thing to happen. But he would always tell me to look at it from a different point [and] quite frankly I get shocked when I realise later that his suggestion was right after all.
3. What parts of your job keep you awake at night?
There is a guy in our organisation who if he calls you at night you know there is trouble. [Once] when I was based in Mombasa he rang me at night… [because] our employees had responded to an alarm and… they were killed. That was very devastating. These are people you know and see every day.

4. What are the top reasons why you have been successful in business?
If there is a crisis I don’t panic. You know that you will do your best but if you can’t do more than that then you couldn’t do it.
5. What are the best things about your country?
Kenyans are resilient and they are proud. We are a bit aggressive as well. Kenya is a special country in many ways.
6. And the worst?
Corruption. It’s bad. I don’t believe if we were less corrupt we would have the problems we have with security right now. Our borders are porous because of corruption.
7. Your future career plans?
I want to get into real estate. I enjoy construction. I like seeing things happening. I like seeing my ideas coming into fruition, into something tangible. I seriously have a passion for real estate.
8. How do you relax?
I play squash occasionally. I have a drink with my friends and over the weekends I spend time with the kids. I try to have a good balance.
9. What is your message to Africa’s young aspiring business people and entrepreneurs?
They should not be in a hurry. Youth today want success yesterday. They want instant success. I think patience pays and learning from the old is important. Experience is not something you can get in school; you just have to go through it. There is [only] so much that books can teach you. I think we are reaching a time [in Africa] where entrepreneurship is the way to go. Start something that you will nurture yourself.
10. How can Africa realise its full potential?
There should be unity. We should avoid these trade restrictions within ourselves in Africa. We should make cross border trade easier. If people in Uganda can easily get involved in business in Kenya, for instance, I believe it would be easier for Africa to be self-reliant.

IRENE KOKI MUTUNGI KENYA PILOT Africa’s first captain flying the Dreamliner

Kenya Airways (KQ) has announced a first in the airline industry – that Captain Irene Koki Mutungi was promoted to be the first African Captain on the Boeing B787 Dreamliner. This makes her the first female African Dreamliner Captain.

Captain Mutungi was the first ever and only female pilot at Kenya Airways for about six years and has risen steadily through the ranks. Irene was flying as a First Officer on the 767-300ER, the second largest aircraft in the Kenya 
Airways fleet after the Boeing B777-300ER, and then became the first female Kenya Airways Captain of a Boeing 767-300ER until she finished her course for type conversion successfully and was elevated to fly in the left hand seat of KQ’s latest acquisition.
Captain Irene Mutungi’s latest professional accomplishment is a first is not only in Kenya but in the world. She now becomes the first African female Boeing 787 Captain in the world.

She looks simple and charming. But behind her attractive appearance lies a skilful and experienced captaincy badge which has enabled her to fly round the world since 1993. To her, this is not something one can gloss over. Welcome to the world of Captain Irene Koki Mutungi of Kenya Airways.

“This comes with a great sense of achievement and responsibility. You really have a lot on your shoulders and you have to be level and clear-headed to be able to carry on. I consider flying a plane as one of those things. I don’t think about it because I have been flying for a long time and it has been a part of me.”

How did she feel like flying for the first time? “Oh! It was an amazing feeling. My heart went to the women in Africa most especially our rural areas. The initial thought that preoccupied my mind was how to empower women in Africa. My experience was like breaking the barrier and crossing over into a new beginning for the womenfolk. It meant a lot not just for me but I thought about what it meant for us – the female gender – as a whole. According to her, “I did a flight to Kusumu in western Kenya, flying a Fokker 50 with a 54-seater capacity. I was the first lady in the airline and everybody was so surprised. Passengers normally get into the plane through the front rear and we used to have the cockpit door open, so passengers walking in could catch the glimpse of who was flying them. Suddenly, a guy looked in saw me, and immediately yelled: ‘I am not a guinea pig’ and that was really funny.”

“Obviously, my captain then did not take it lightly at all and he asked the man to tender an apology to me or he should politely get off the plane. The man came and apologised, saying ‘I didn’t mean it that way, actually, I am really honoured to be flown by a woman. The flight went well.’

For a job that many people have described as a male-dominated profession, Captain Mutungi has taken a conscious effort to say what a man can do a woman can do better. Thus she says: “I don’t really look at it from the gender angle but the fact that I have broken the barrier is just good enough for me.”

Her background has largely assisted her in her career and she admits that flying is in her family gene.  “I started flying in 1993 that was when I began to learn how to fly. I remember I flew with my father to London when I was eight years old and I sat with him at the cockpit almost all the way. From there I knew that was what I wanted to do. Of course, I did what I needed to do; got my grades and went straight into flying.”

As a goal-getter, who does not give up easily, Mutungi went through the right educational career to attain the peak of her chosen profession. She was at Loreta Covenant in Soga where she read Pure Science and later went into flying.
She got her first licence tagged private pilot’s licence. After this she got her Commercial Pilot Licence and later did an enlistment rating, which enabled her to fly in the dark. Then she got an Airline Pilot Licence which enabled her to become a captain. She did her PPL in Nairobi and later went to the United States of America to do most of her other training programmes to obtain the right qualifications.

On her training, the first female captain in Africa says she is trained to deal with every situation regularly. “Every six months, I go through very rigorous training. I am about going for another one. During the training, we would be given all sorts of emergency situation lessons, exposing you to difficult scenarios that one can possibly come across as a pilot, and you are drilled on how to grapple with such situations.”

Captain Mutungi has really proved herself worthy by taking her expertise to the global community. She started flying initially in Kenya and gradually moved to Europe and Asia among other places. She has also moved from flying small plane to the bigger ones.

Call her a Boeing girl; you are not far from the truth. She likes Boeing 760 and 750 and has been basically trained on Boeing all her life. She has since moved from Fokker 50 to Boeing 737 and then 767 before coming down as a commander.
“Usually, you are a first officer seating at the right side and you walk your way up the rank and then again you come down and you walk your way up again.”

Captain Mutungi believes that she has broken barriers as the first female captain in Africa, feeling comfortable with her job. “I am comfortable with what I do, the late nights, my off-days and my working hours, everything works for me. I can’t work in a structured environment although the airline industry is structured in its own way but this is where I am mostly at home and everything here works for me.”

On her first long haul, she explains that she flew to Amsterdam, describing it as a great experience. “It was great but it was so tiring because it was like an eight and a half hours flight from Nairobi. The journey to Amsterdam wasn’t too bad because it was during the day but coming back home during the night made my eyes very red and I took so much coffee.”

On how she is being received outside Africa as a female captain, she describes her experience as wonderful, noting that “people are now appreciating that women can do things just as well if not much better than men. I have not experienced any discrimination at all. In fact, passengers are more excited once they realise that it is a lady in command. They always want to come and say hello to you. So it has been great and fun all the way.”

Asked to assess airports in Africa, Captain Mutungi explains that the continent has “different challenges in different airports because of the infrastructure some have really developed like Johannesburg, where flying is easier with better instrument landing systems. On the other African airports, some are still miles away from what you can call a modern airport with the state of the art landing systems. They are still being confronted with infrastructure development like having access to minimum navigational aides. But as a whole, I think we have come a long way in Africa considering the realities on ground when I started flying.”

She adds that the continent has come a long way in the areas of safety and that more investors are now investing in the aviation industry. This, she says, has given equal opportunities for both genders to exercise their expertise. She notes that the continent is moving in the right direction.

Captain Mutungi explains that as a woman, she has her motherly nature. “I am still what you can describe as a good wife at home. I am an African woman, so I am not carried away by the career to the detriment of being a family woman. A lot of young girls have big dreams, but they actually need a real life example to say yes. I have shown them examples that they can actually realise their dreams. In fact, I have been encouraging a lot of young girls to remain focused on their career.”
How does Captain Mutungi feel when she is flown by another pilot? “I feel the way any other passenger will feel. It is like someone who knows how to drive and you have an opportunity to sit beside another driver.”

On her future aspirations, the captain says: “The sky is the limit and I am already in the sky but just now I am about to complete my Masters programme in aviation management and safety. I hope to go more into management but this would not stop me from flying because I love flying.”